Why we use
Riccio & Associates LLC works exclusively for all of its client accounts with Interactive Brokers LLC, a large international brokerage firm. We believe that this company offers an excellent service and is very safe.
Security for all accounts
Risk rating "BBB+" from the Standard and Poor's agency. Qualification of the prestigious Barron's magazine as the "Best On-line Broker of the year
In the business since 1978; has net capital in excess of the required $4.6 bn
Member of the New York Stock Exchange and supervised by various US regulatory entities
Low or null costs per trade
Distributes its assets among the six largest and safest banks
SIPC insurance up to $500,000 for each individual account and an additional $100,000 on the cash portion of each account and the broker has additional insurance of $150,000,000 through Lloyd's of London
All client cash is held in US Treasury bills or other secure non-money market accounts; does not hold mortgages, sub-par debt, credit default swaps, or collateralized debt
Each client's money is kept in their own personal account and is never mixed with that of other clients. No one can touch your money except you. Riccio & Associates LLC is the only one that can manage (invest) your account. Riccio & Associates LLC does not receive any kind of compensation or discount from Interactive Brokers in exchange for using their services. We use them because we believe that they are the safest and best alternative for the client